FitnessHow to Incorporate AI Into Your Gym Operations

How to Incorporate AI Into Your Gym Operations

Artificial intelligence is a major topic of conversation at the moment, and everyone is figuring out how they can use ChatGPT or some other form of AI. In fact, AI is already incorporated into many things people use consistently, such as voice assistants.

Why should it be any different for a gym business? Just as gym operations can utilize many forms of technology, such as gym management software and fitness wearables, there is also a place for AI. Here are a few ideas for utilizing this cutting-edge technology in your gym business.

Increased Personalization

Members can gain a more personalized experience at your gym through the support of AI. This benefit helps members get the most from their workouts, and can help your gym stand out from a more cookie-cutter experience.

  • Personalized Training Programs: It doesn’t get any more personal than a personalized training plan targeted towards the gym member’s unique goals, time constraints, and even problematic joints or injuries. Building a personalized training program manually can take significant time – not to mention the need to continually update it when a member takes time off or wants to change focus. Using AI in this way can significantly boost training program engagement.
  • Nutrition Plans: As the saying goes, abs are made in the kitchen. While exercising certainly plays a critical role in health and fitness, nutrition arguably plays an even greater one. Why not utilize AI to create member-specific nutrition plans geared toward specific goals, dietary restrictions, and preparation time? 
  • Tailored Guidance: Some notable gyms are finding success with an app that integrates with the gym’s fitness equipment and uses AI to provide personalized feedback while exercising. For instance, it can teach members to use a machine properly while generating a completely custom exercise routine. This benefit can enhance the gym experience without requiring staff members’ time and attention for each person and also has the option to guide members at home through hybrid gym experiences.
  • Social Media Content: Struggling to come up with creative social campaigns? You aren’t alone, but AI might just be the boost your social media channels need. Give AI a challenge to “come up with a social media campaign for gym members for the month of July, focused on summer goals” and let it do the rest. Put your gym’s own branding and voice into the campaigns to step it up a notch. 
  • Fitness Wearables: Many members already incorporate wearables with their gym experience. Some fitness wearables can incorporate virtual assistants like Siri, adding AI capabilities to the other functions. This pattern is advancing, as some manufacturers are adding AI-based intelligent assistants to their wearables that are geared toward fitness functions. For example, AI works with performance analytics to create better running routines in Sensoria Fitness’ app. It provides personalized coaching that encourages, tells how to improve performance and guides on better form. This is just one example of how fitness wearables are becoming more personalized through AI.

Moving forward, having your gym’s equipment and app integrate with AI applications can help members utilize these personalized experiences.

Improved Operations

Artificial intelligence can also streamline your gym’s operations. Here are a few areas where it can support your team and processes:

  • Sales and Marketing: AI can support gyms with sales as a sales assistant and through a CRM. It can collect prospect data and learn patterns that show it which leads are best to focus on, as they have the highest odds of turning into members. It can target people and provide marketing recommendations based on a person’s interests, helping to reach relevant new prospects and sell more services to members.
  • Customer Service: Gyms can use chatbots, which are common on social media and websites, to communicate with prospects and members, assisting them 24/7.
  • Personal Trainers and Nutritionists: As mentioned above, personal trainers and nutritionists can benefit greatly from the use of AI. They will be able to take on more members by removing a significant chunk of admin and ultimately generate more revenue for your gym. 

By removing some of these tasks from gym staff, they can put more time and focus into providing better human experiences with members. So, you can let AI handle some areas while your team takes on others, working hand-in-hand for an improved gym experience.